Friday, February 4, 2011

February in the Capital

Let is snow! Let it snow! This seemed to be the theme not just in Ottawa but throughout parts of Canada and the U.S. I'm sure we all watched a lot of news and weather on t.v. where scenes of 'how high the snow could get' were shown everywhere. It was almost like a competition or at the very least, a novelty, especially in places like Texas where it's not uncommon to wear flip flops year round. And while Ottawa enjoyed a 'snow day' from the real world on Wednesday, we didn't get nearly the snow the others did and really, according to many, calling it a snow day was overkill!

The good news is, according to a very reliable source aka Mr. Groundhog, we will have an early spring! Take all of this with a grain of salt as I'm not sure Mr. Groundhog was even able to burrow out of his hole to see if he could see his shadow:) But the idea of an early spring certainly is good news and makes for a great daydream!

February in the Capital definitely embraces the winter as Winterlude begins today! Three weekends of outdoor activities including snow and ice sculpture competitions, tubing down the hills of J Cartier park, skating on the world's longest skating rink (which is in great condition due to the snow and steady temperatures) and of course the yummy food huts sprinkled between all the other points of interest. Enjoy! Enjoy!

For your guide to Winterlude go here.
